Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Azma et al

What the hell is AZMA? It's spelled ASTHMA fer chrissake. Since when was the TH silent?!??!

And what's the deal with ALUMINUM? It's ALUMINIUM, people.

Don't even get me started on folks who say kill-OM-eter. How can someone say both kill-OM-eter and KILO-gram and not believe black is white? Metric units of measurements are prefixed with KILO (pronounced KILO). The word ending "OM-eter" is used for INSTRUMENTS e.g. thermometer, barometer. It's not rocket science, people.

No wonder this planet is going to hell in a handbasket.


Thursday, February 01, 2007


Searching for the Truth

Searching for the Truth on a massively interconnected network of storage devices is a little bit like using a search engine on the Internet. If you want to find the Truth, first you must find the best search engine.

Well, dear reader, in order to assist your search for search assistance, I have performed a forensic examination of several search engines. I have used the phrase "back to this god thing" as a benchmark search, the answer to which is found in this very blog (i.e. "web log", or is it "we blog"? - note to self - investigate this further. Could possibly derive from "we belong" in a lame attempt at social inclusion).

Back to the matter at hand.

Here is a list of search engines, and how many unique pages they found containing the benchmark phrase "back to this god thing".

Ask 2 *
AllTheWeb 0
AltaVista 2
Google 2
Yahoo 1

Now for the conclusion: MSN found most pages containing the benchmark phrase, so it is the best search engine.
As for relevance, Ask (marked with an asterisk) is the only search engine that found the post in this blog, so that is also the best search engine.



A Climate for Change

Man made pollution.

Man made the economy.

Now the pollution is killing us.

We can't stop pollution because of the economy.

One man-made construct is stopping us from saving ourselves from another man-made construct.

In the end, all that will be left is man-made constructs, but no man.

How odd.


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