Tuesday, January 25, 2005


The nature of free will

For centuries, philosophers have grappled with the question of whether man can exercise free will or not. Well, in the 21st century, I believe the answers are becoming clearer. Consider the substantial influences on your thought patterns, dear reader. When was the last time you saw a Nike commercial? Do you think you have any free will in deciding what kind of athletic footwear to purchase? Or has a marketing executive made the decision for you? Lest you find the Nike example facile, consider this: how did you come to know what you know? Let me answer that for you, friend. You probably read it. In other words, you were relying on someone else to plant those thoughts and that knowledge in your brain. Do you consider that free will? Or are you simply a media-fueled automaton?

You might think "I choose to turn off my PC and go outside and smell the roses", but because I have now planted that idea in your head, the will to perform that act is MINE, not YOURS. You are truly incapable of a single act of free will. You are only a puppet doing the bidding of your sub-conscious master. Why, it's a wonder that your sub-conscious even bothers to give you the time of day with the illusion of free will, when it's quite capable of running the show without your conscious self leering out through your eyes.

Having thus enlightened you, I'm going to switch off my PC, go outside, and smell the roses.


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